
CCAS believes in the one and only God. CCAS is a faith-based school that professes with faith that God created everything on Heaven and Earth and saved His people. CCAS also proclaims that Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and that the Holy Spirit lives inside His people. 

Ephesians 2:11-22, the verse for which CCAS is named, serves as the primary focus for CCAS' Christian education. In a world filled with barriers, CCAS' Christian education program seeks to develop students who can act as cornerstones in bridging those barriers by enacting forgiveness and promoting peace.


  • Faith Education - Belief in God’s Word; faith formation through Scripture
  • Character Education - Learning God’s Word; character development through Scripture
  • Ethics Education - Practicing God’s Word; ethical living through Scripture

To achieve this, the following five (5) topics will be taught over a five-year period:

  • Kingdom of God - Building a world aligned with God’s heart; creating a place of shared joy through love, justice, equality, and freedom
  • Spirituality - Paradigm shift for individuals and the society through faith; creating a society and individuals who seek eternal and higher values
  • Leadership - Living a life that transforms the world with positive influence; nurturing global leaders who enrich the world with positive influence
  • Jubilee - Establishing a Christian worldview centered on the biblical Jubilee, growing a mature outlook that values equity and new beginnings
  • Knowledge of God, Wisdom of Self – Understanding oneself as created in God’s image; developing a clear sense of identity during youth and discovering a personal vision


CCAS provides a healthy religious education and Christian worldviews based on the Bible, resulting in the best possible character education. This is also CCAS' educational philosophy. CCAS professes that humans were made in God's image and that education in character, based on Christian worldviews, is the best education to bring out humans' endless potential, dignity, and kindness. Regardless of one's age, color, ethnicity, gender, social position, or economic status, everyone is equal in the eyes of God, and our happiness matters to Him.

To develop this education in character, CCAS teaches philosophy and ethics through biblical counseling and Bible classes; students are challenged to grow in their spiritual walk, as they are guided to take biblical principles and apply them to real-life circumstances. CCAS education in character is built in the belief that the purpose of God's creation of humans was so that their acts of kindness could reflect His image of God, one the world cannot see. The students will learn to be witnesses of God's grace.

Weekly Worship

Once a week, students and teachers from each division, elementary, middle, and high school, gather separately to worship God together. The worship service, led by a student praise team and a message from the chaplain, is a cornerstone for spiritual growth and faith education.

Special Worship

On significant church observances, students gather for special worship services that deepen their understanding of faith in action. In the spring, Easter worship celebrates the resurrection, and in the fall, a Thanksgiving service fosters gratitude for God’s blessings. Through these observances, students reflect on God's love and learn to express it in everyday life. Activities like collecting and donating items through a partnership with Goodwill help students connect love for God with love for others, reinforcing that faith is most powerful when lived out through acts of compassion and service

Daily Bread

Students in each division, elementary, middle, and high school, gather at separate times, three to five times a week, for 20-minute chapel sessions connecting God’s Word with everyday life. 

Led by chaplains, these sessions offer opportunities to explore our vision, study the Bible, engage in worship, and dive into insights from psychology and social emotional learning. Students also reflect on events from ten years ago on the same date, drawing lessons from history, and expand their worldviews through introductions to various global cultures and traditions.


Chaplains collaborate closely with guidance counselors to provide consistent, compassionate support for students. They offer a safe, welcoming space where students can share concerns they may not feel comfortable discussing with parents or teachers, knowing they will be met with empathy and understanding. Through prayer and thoughtful guidance, the chaplains help students navigate challenges, reinforcing their sense of purpose and encouraging growth in faith and character as they journey toward a positive future.

Students and faculty at CCAS will learn to live lives that reflect their faith in God. They will rely on the power of God that is alive within them through the Holy Spirit and will reflect on their diverse life experiences in order to walk faithfully with God. They will learn to seek God's knowledge and to construct their worldviews around Biblical and Christian worldviews.

A co-educational, independent, private college preparatory academy for elementary and secondary students in Seoul.

CEEB 682034 | SAT CENTER 65301



4 Eonnam 1-gil, Seocho-gu, 

Seoul, Republic of Korea 06779


44 Mabang-ro 2-gil, Seocho-gu, 

Seoul, Republic of Korea 06779

📞 +82-2-456-7474 | 📠  +82-2-529-2525

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