
This policy is intended to clarify how students, parents, and teachers are committed to extending learning opportunities at school to reinforce, enhance, and develop school-learned knowledge and promote independent learning.

Homework is given on a regular basis to help students by reinforcing what they have learned in class and preparing them to participate meaningfully in the next class. Homework is also assigned so that students become more accountable for organizing their learning materials, managing their time, and meeting deadlines.

As part of formative assessment, homework assignments are collected and used by the teacher to provide constructive feedback. Projects and class assignments are occasionally assigned as homework and graded accordingly.

The amount of time required for homework will increase as a student advances through the grades, but it should never compromise the health and safety of students. Students enrolled in EAL or English-support classes are expected to devote more time to homework in order to meet course requirements.


Assessment is an essential component of the planning, implementation, and evaluation. It is a formally and informally collected method of gathering information that allows teachers to measure student progress against predetermined benchmarks, reflect on their own teaching strategies, and determine what students know and understand, what they have learned, and what they can do. Effective evaluations are constructive and supportive of student learning and instruction.

The "Why"

The purpose of assessment is to promote the growth of students and who are academically and spiritually prepared to be lifelong learners and global leaders.

We use assessment to:

  • diagnose and guide subsequent learning and teaching;
  • monitor and provide a continuous record of learning;
  • identify and address different levels of learning;
  • encourage reflective learning through self-evaluation;
  • celebrate achievement or identify the need for intervention or support; and
  • review progress and performance of the curriculum.

The "What"

We assess students' knowledge and comprehension, skills and abilities to apply and reflect on what is known and understood, and achievement of expected learning outcomes. We also assess curriculum, instructional materials, and the efficacy of teaching strategies.

The "How"

A balanced variety of assessment techniques is employed to guarantee that assessment tools enhance the learning process and student development here at CCAS. Curriculum maps and course documents, e.g., syllabus, weekly lesson plan contain information on grade level and subject-specific assessments.

  • We utilize both formative and summative assessment.
  • We administer diagnostic assessments at the beginning and/or end of a course of study, when students enter CCAS, and/or to determine the individual level of a particular subject.
  • We incorporate diverse learning styles and a personalized approach that is tailored to his or her specific needs, interests, and goals.
  • We use formal and informal feedback methods, e.g., grades, comments, and student reflection.
  • We inform evaluation procedures by providing specific grading criteria and rubrics, which are communicated to students and parents in a clear manner.
  • We encourage students to demonstrate the effective, efficient, and original application of fundamental knowledge and skills. Self-assessment provides students with the opportunity to have a voice in assessment and to identify their own strengths and weaknesses.

A co-educational, independent, private college preparatory academy for elementary and secondary students in Seoul.

CEEB 682034 | SAT CENTER 65301



4 Eonnam 1-gil, Seocho-gu, 

Seoul, Republic of Korea 06779


44 Mabang-ro 2-gil, Seocho-gu, 

Seoul, Republic of Korea 06779

📞 +82-2-456-7474 | 📠  +82-2-529-2525

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