Our college counseling team provides personalized support to help students navigate the college admissions process. We work directly with students and families, offering tailored guidance to match each student's goals.
Our college counseling team provides personalized support to help students navigate the college admissions process. We work directly with students and families, offering tailored guidance to match each student's goals.
Make the Most of Your College Counseling Meeting! Prepare in advance by focusing on one or two key categories. Use the questions below to guide your visit preparation. Asking too many questions across different topics can lead to missing important details.
College Search
- I am not sure how to prepare for my college. Where do I start?
- I want to learn more about the general college application timeline.
- Are there any upcoming college fairs in our area?
- What colleges do students from CCAS usually apply to?
- Based on my test scores, can you recommend me some colleges to apply to?
- Do you know of any schools similar to the college I’m interested in?
Academic Schedule
- What courses do I need to take to be ready for college in general?
- Is my current class schedule good enough to satisfy college admission requirements?
- Which classes should I take before graduating to help me get into my preferred college?
- Which elective courses do you recommend?
- Which AP classes should I take if I want to get into my preferred college?
- Should I take either the ACT or SAT?
- Do I need to take both? How high do my test scores need to be?
- Should I take the AP Exams?
Your Interests
- Which extracurricular should I take to explore my options?
- What electives can give me experience in the career I want?
- There are so many options–how do I know whether a certain career/major is right for me?
- How do I apply for scholarships and where do I get started?
- Where can I start researching potential scholarships that are out there?
- Are there any good scholarships or awards that you think I could qualify for?
Personal Statement / Resume
- What are the admissions officers looking for in my personal essay?
- Who should I ask to write my recommendation letters?
- Can you give me detailed feedback on my essays?
- Can you review my college resume?
Admission Tips
- Is it better to apply for Early Decision or Early Action or not?
- What are some common application mistakes that I can avoid ahead of time?
- What kinds of high school grades do colleges look at?
- Can we review my transcript and see whether there’s anything to improve?
A co-educational, independent, private college preparatory academy for elementary and secondary students in Seoul.
CEEB 682034 | SAT CENTER 65301
4 Eonnam 1-gil, Seocho-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea 06779
44 Mabang-ro 2-gil, Seocho-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea 06779
📞 +82-2-456-7474 | 📠 +82-2-529-2525
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